Mobile Apps

Today's business world calls for a diverse online presence. The standard website has been replaced with "mobile-first" responsive designs. Social media is a must. And now having a mobile app that runs on Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad), Google Android (phones and tablets) and even Windows 10 (UWP) completes the picture.

Let us help you complete your online journey...

Why a mobile app?

Brand Recognition

The average user spends at least two hours every day on their mobile device(s). Having your brand somewhere, anywhere on their device is likely to keep you in their mind! The more often your brand is seen, the less likely a user is to forget it.

Great Market Differentiator

Do your competitors have a mobile presence? If not, be the first and really stand out. Even if you are not the first app, let your uniqueness really show so you still stand out in the crowd.

Improve Customer Relations

Sure you have a great customer base but are you really getting them information as often as you’d like? Are they really reading your emails and social media posts? A mobile app can provide real-time updates through push notifications, pull-to-refresh screens and a host of other options. Once a user installed your app, you have a hook!

New Marketing Venue

Do you want to instantly have access to millions of potential customers? Having an app listed in each of the major app stores (Google Play, Apple App Store, and to some extent the Windows Store) instantly gives you access to a massive worldwide audience. Not to mention the “deep linking” possibilities you would gain by tying the app to all of your current media outlets.

Still Not Convinced?

If you are still unsure of the value of a mobile app keep in mind that 90% of time spent on a mobile device is spent within an app.

Click here for some very interesting statistics.


Let us help you complete your journey by writing an app that will run natively on all of the major devices: .